The Beifong family traditionally lived in Gaoling, a town located within a mountain range in the southern Earth Kingdom. Important and influential members of the family include the powerful politician Lu Beifong the co-founder of the Earthen Fire Refinery, Lao Beifong his only child, Toph, a renowned earthbending master and the inventor of metalbending her two daughters, Lin and Suyin, the Chief of Police in Republic City and matriarch of the city of Zaofu, respectively and Baatar Jr., second-in-command of the former Earth Empire.
The family, whose symbol is a flying boar, continues to be well respected and hold significant credibility in the Earth Kingdom.
Originally based in the town of Gaoling, the Beifongs were renowned for their wealth and good connections with other noble families like the Pang and Yumsoon-Han families. The Beifong family, also called the 'House of the Flying Boar', is a powerful and very influential Earth Kingdom noble family seated in Zaofu and Republic City.